Welcome to the Swiss Civil Society Platform on Migration and Development

Who are we

The Swiss Civil Society Platform on Migration and Development (mdplatform.ch) is a space for information sharing among actors interested in migration and development.

The platform has two strategic partners – TdH Lausanne, CERL Convoi Exceptionnel, and World Trade Insitute, – They support the platform secretariat in all aspects with content, expertise, network facilitation and advise.


The Charter of the Swiss Civil Society Platform on Migration and Development defines structures, procedures and guiding principles for collaboration among members and with the secretariat. To be in agreement with this Charter is conditional for membership.

Become a member

The M&D platform welcomes individuals and organizations interested in becoming members of this platform.

The only precondition for membership is to agree on the mdplatform Charter and to work in compliance with it. Once registered, members are visible in the website section “members”.

You can register as

Ordinary member, if you are a civil society organization registered in Switzerland. (You can participate in project groups and benefit from all platform services. You can be nominated for the core group – leadership structures for the platform).
Affiliate member, if you are an individual or a civil society organization not registered in Switzerland. (You can participate in project groups and benefit from most platform services. However, you cannot be nominated for core group – leadership structures of the platform).
-> If you are adding a new organistation, you will add the name by clicking “add new” under the “organisation” field.

Core Group

Core group*:
The core group is established by the platform Charter (section 2.3.). It is elected for 2 years. It assures the quality and continuity of the work of mdplatform. In particular, it is responsible to approve and monitor the annual work plan, decide on new topics and project groups and mandate project groups and monitor their work.

Core group member / Organisation “Cluster” / Category of Organisation
Bashkim Iseni / Albinfo.ch Ohter: Media Organisation
Khadija Jamac / Somlaliland Swiss Diaspora / Development
Ramla Allani / Fondation Suisse du Service Social International (Projet- Communauté Tunisienne Résidente en Suisse) Migration / Development
Hamdija Kocic / Matica BiH Diaspora Organisation
Bashir Gobdon / SomaliSwiss Diaspora und Swiss Kalmo Diaspora / Development
Magdalena Urrejola / Iamaneh Schweiz Other: Human Rights Organisation

Permanent Core Group Members
vacant / Caritas Schweiz | Development Organisation
Claudia Paixão / HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation | Development Organisation
Olivier Feneyrol / Terres des Hommes Foundation | Development Organisation
Rosa Maria Losada / World Trade Institute | Other: Academia
Secretariat (non-voting members) |
Peter Aeberhard / Secretariat | mdplatform.ch / Caritas
Pascal Fendrich / Secretariat | mdplatform.ch / Helvetas

*As per the results of the elections held on the General Assembly of the 01.03.2017.

Annual Workplan & Reports

In September 2016 the UN took up Migration in the NY Declaration, requesting solidarity and a human right based approach to Migration. It initiated the Global Compact on Migration (GCM) and the Global Refugee Compact (GRC). This is giving mdplatform.ch a policy framework beyond the Agenda 2030 Migration Targets.

With the GCM approved in December 2018, mdplatform.ch can start Phase II (2018 – 2021) and focus on the implications of such Frameworks for Civil Society Organisations and their work. Hence, what best policy and projects are required to positively influence the implementation of the GCM and Agenda 2030?

The 12-month work plan of the Swiss Civil Society Platform on Migration and Development is prepared by the secretariat, submitted and approved by the core group and presented and discussed at the General Assembly, normally taking place in March. The workplan is as well discussed and presented to the steering group (Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation, Caritas Switzerland and SDC Global Program on Migration and Development) prior to the General Assembly Meeting. Reporting is done by the Secretariat. An external review was conducted by the University of Berne in March 2018 for Phase I (2015-2018). Phase II starts in September 2018 (2018 – 2021).

Workplan 2018 has been submitted to the Core Group and the General Assembly of 1th of March 2018. PP Draft including Phase II (download PDF).

Workplan 2017 has been approved by the Core Group on its meeting of the 14th of February and presented to the Assembly in March 2017.


+41 31 311 18 22, Bollwerk 35, CH – 3011 Bern

Secretariat / Coordination

 Peter Urs Aeberhard – Platform Coordinator (CARITAS Switzerland)

Pascal Fendrich – Platform Deputy Coordinator (HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation)

Knowledge Sharing and content support:

Cesar Robles – HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation


Mdplatform Consultation with Swiss Gov featured in SDC Migration Network Newsletter
The April 2018 Newsletter of the SDC Network on Migration and Development is out. The issue focuses on the Global Compact negotiation process and includes a short article on the consultations organized by mdplatform.ch with representatives of the Swiss Government on the zero draft. Learn more »

10-11 Dec 2018: Intergovernmental Conference to adopt the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration
NGOs, civil society organizations, diaspora organizations, migrant organizations, academic institutions, and private sector entities, not in consultative status with ECOSOC, are invited to apply for special accreditation to participate in the Intergovernmental Conference to Adopt the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, which will be held in Morocco on 10 and 11 December 2018. Link (till 26.3.2018)

Review of the General Assembly 2018
Members, affiliated Members and Guests were invited to the 3d General Assembly of the Swiss Civil Society Platform on Migration and Development. The core team has been elected and a series of strategic orientations have been discussed. See presentations (pdf) from the General Assembly » Watch Video»

Policy recommendation: “Migration as a Common Concern of Mankind”
World Trade Institute is planning an academic program on Migration as a Common Concern of Mankind (MCCM). It is focussing on a broader approach of Migration and Econcomic Development. Mdplatform.ch is invited to interlink with the program. The secretariat presented its findings on Swiss Policy on Migration, as related to the Agenda 2030 Targets on Migration; Preview Presentation of the contribution to MCCM / Agenda 2030.

Policy recommendation: “No-billag”
Based on the findings of mdplatform.ch on its permanent exchange with diaspora media organisations, the secretariat has informed SRF after the no-billag initiative on the requirements to include diaspora media and programms for better integration purposes, in order to strengthen Migrants as actors for development. The text is based on the Agenda 2030 findings: Role that Swiss Radio and Television (SRF) may play after “no-billag” to foster migration and development

Zero Draft of UN Global Compact on Migration now out!
The zero draft of the UN Compact on Migration and on Refugees have been published just days ago. From now on the negotiation phase will start among state actors, with seleted NGO representatives, defendign the 10 Act Agenda of Civil Society. Will the world transfer from the toxic debates on migration flows towards a global approach based on solidarity and universal responsablities, a paradigm shift introduced by the Agenda2030. Read now the Zero draft GC Migration / Zero Draft GC Refugees
Mdplatform.ch will held a meeting with Swiss Delegation on Monday 12th February. Please contact the secretariat for more information at info@mdplatform.ch. For further information: UN Website /NGO Position Made Website (Ten Acts)

Dec /Jan 2018
Stocktaking on the Global Compact on Migration and Follow up​
By Bettina Etter. The preparatory (stocktaking) meeting, held from 4 – 6 December 2017 in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, not only marked the beginning of phase II but a pivotal milestone in the three-phased process towards the elaboration of a Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM). The purpose of the stocktaking meeting was to review and distil the wealth of information, data and views gathered in phase I (…) Read full article here »
-> For more information and key documents see the Chair’s Summary, the latest UN Report on Migration and the 10Acts of Civil Society – MADE report

A look back at the First Annual Conference of the Swiss Civil Society Platform on Migration and Development »
On the 10th of November 2017, the Swiss Civil Society Platform on Migration and Development (mdplatform.ch) organised its first annual conference in Bern, entitled “Migration and Development: Swiss Initiatives and International Debates – Priorities and experiences of the Swiss Civil Society in the area of Migration and Development at local and international level”. Find the presentations, videos and further information on the conference here »

Formation en santé mentale, migration et culture
Information sur la formation en santé mentale, migration et culture : évaluer et soigner. Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur http://www.unige.ch/formcont/cassmmc/

GFMD Highlights, Snapshots and Recommendations »
We live in a radically different world today compared to when the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) was launched 10 years ago: the number of of forcibly displaced is an all-time high, more and more migrants and regufees are dying en route, families are separated, and borders are closing even to those forced to fleed. In this global context, the GFMD took place in Berlin, and for the first time it overlapped the Civil Society Days and the Coomon Space. Learn more about the highlights, snapshots and recommendations of what happened in Berlin, here »

Now online: videos of mdplatform.ch contribution to the GFMD 2017 Civil Society Days
Watch the side event on strategies of national civil society platforms on influencing the GCM (watch video) and the video of mdplatform.ch contribution to one of the concluding panels on Capital Strategies: Next steps we will take to advocate directly with our governments in our own countries and capitals to achieve our recommendations on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (watch video)

Looking back at the 1st Annual Conference of the Swiss Civil Society Platform on Migration and Development

10 Nov 2017, Bern

Conference Programme:
Alec von Graffenried, Mayor of City of Bern

Migration as a common concern for mankind – Exploring a global phenomenon (View presentation)
Thomas Cottier World Trade Institute

Migration and Development (M&D) – Exploring the interlinkage of M&D
Markus Reisle, Head of Global Program Migration and Development, SDC (View presentation)

Mdplatform.ch – Exploring the role of Civil Society
Peter Aeberhard, Caritas/mdplatform.ch

World Café intro: A challenge for projects in the MD area from the perspective des diasporas.
Ramla Alani, International Social Service ISS / CTRS (View presentation)

Conclusions from World Café
Pascal Fendrich, HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation

Panel Discussion: Towards Policy Coherence on Migration and Development at international and local level.

Closing remarks
Pascal Fendrich, Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation / mdplatform.ch

Closing remarks
Neila Boubakri, African Diaspora Council

Closing remarks
Peter Aeberhard, Caritas/mdplatform.ch

Closing remarks
Markus Reisle, Head of Global Program Migration and Development, SDC


Exploring the interlinkage of migration and development, Markus Reisle
Challenges to Migration & Development Projects From the perspectives of Diaspora, Ramla Alani
mdplatform Newsletter Presentation, Cesar Robles


First Annual Conference of the Swiss Civil Society Platform on Migration and Development – an attempt to feed policy dialogue on Migration and Development with the experience of the Swiss Civil Society

Peter Aeberhard & Pascal Fendrich, November 2017

On the 10th of November 2017, the Swiss Civil Society Platform on Migration and Development (mdplatform.ch) organised its first annual conference. Established in 2016, mdplatform.ch is a space for information sharing among actors interested in the linkages between migration and development (M&D). The initiative is coordinated by Caritas Schweiz and HELVETAS and financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. It counts today more than 80 members.

Entitled, “Migration and Development: Swiss Initiatives and International Debates – Priorities and experiences of the Swiss Civil Society in the area of Migration and Development at local and international level”, the ambition of this first conference was double. A first objective was to present and learn from mdplatform members’ practical experience. Members work on different issues of migration (e.g. human rights, integration, labour migration), different “moments” within the migration cycle (from pre-departure to return) and in different locations (in Switzerland and abroad). Exchanging on their experience and the challenges met in day-to-day work served identifying policy implications to be discussed in the second part of the conference. This second part took the form of a moderated panel discussion gathering the Mayor of Bern, the Swiss Ambassador on Development, Forced Displacement and Migration, and representatives of the University of Bern, Albinfo.ch, Swiss Somaliland Association and Caritas Schweiz. Within this frame, panellists could exchange on their respective priorities in the broader context of the ongoing negotiations on a Global Compact on Migration (GCM) taking place in the framework of the United Nations.

Both the morning and afternoon sessions highlighted a set of common concerns. Participants underlined the need to support a change in the way migration is perceived. While migration is often portrayed as a burden, a closer look at the phenomenon shows the benefits of “mobility”. These benefits go beyond financial means to include for instance technological transfers, know-how and cultural exchanges. Migration was described not only as a historic reality, but as an integral component of development and an “oxygen for society”. These remarks underlined the importance to set up the framework conditions necessary to maximize these positive developments while working in parallel on the causes and for improved protection in cases of forced migration.

The negotiations on the GCM were described as an opportunity to contribute to this change of perception and to improve the governance of migration with a focus on the protection of migrants’ rights. Participants insisted on the need to firmly anchor the GCM in the human rights framework and the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development. It was also emphasized that it shall contain concrete and measureable commitments to ensure their actual implementation while addressing the remaining protection gaps. The multi-stakeholders approach that has characterized the global compact consultations process will need to be strengthened in the implementation. Participants insisted on the important role and responsibilities of the civil society and private sector for effective implementation at national and international level. Finally, the need for continued efforts on policy coherence for development was emphasized on several occasions.

This first conference constituted an attempt to feed policy dialogue on M&D with the experience of a very diverse set of civil society actors active on the issue. It led to rich, constructive discussions and mutual learning and provides a solid ground for continued exchange in the future.

For more information, please visit: http://mdplatform.ch/

ongoing events & activites of mdplatform.ch

-> register for upcoming mdplatform.ch event
-> Travel: reimbursement form click here

Past Events & Activities

All Annual General Assembly
Mdplatform 1st Annual Conference 2017
UN Human Rights Day 2015
Official launch of the mdplatform.ch
Preparatory meeting for the GFMD 2015
Migration and SDG (trainings)

Ass## essment
An initial assessment of the need and potentials of Swiss CSOs will provide the platform with the baseline on the current situation of interested Swiss CSOs and will form the basis for planning further activities. The Swiss Forum on Migration and Population Studies (SFM) of the University of Neuchâtel has been mandated to identify organizations and associations and to conduct this survey.

The assessment has been finalized by End of November 2015 and a final report has been released (download here).

Due to the fact that some interested organizations and members have not yet participated in the assessment, the platform secretariat for further communication with the organization.

[Working Group] Stock-taking and best practice


A variety of organizations and institutions are currently active in the broad field of Migration & Development (M&D) in Switzerland, including numerous diaspora associations, migrants-focused CSOs, development actors, and research institutes. While they may share similar commitments, there is only limited exchange between them so far. One objective of the mdplatform.ch is to improve interaction, mutual learning and coordination. Therefore, the core group decided to found the working group “Stock Taking and Good Practice” in order to identify and support the exchange and dissemination of approaches, experiences, lessons learned and good practices relating to M&D.


mdplatform.ch is plannung to initiate a “Diverstity Award” for all those that contribute with their projects and activities to the implementation of the Global Compact on Migration. For more info contact the secretariat.

Past events

The goal of the working group is to identify major areas in which Swiss M&D CSOs are active and where they are currently developing their expertise and “good practices”. The group will focus on three elements:

a research note on the key dimensions and issues in M&D (international framework)
an expert roster providing an overview on resource persons working on M&D in Switzerland
the illustration of selected “good M&D practices” by Swiss CSO actors.


Stock Taking Working Group presentation for GA mdplatform 2017 [Download PDF, 381 kb]

 Coming Events

Autumn 2017: Conference, where members present their findings and good practices to a greater audience (tbc)

Past Events

22.06.2016: Working group meeting
06.06.2016: Follow up meeting for working group
17.05.2016 – Kick-off meeting for working group on good practices and expert rosters (Stock taking)

[Working Group] GFMD Preparation and international dialogue


Just like last year, members of the mdplatform.ch will participate at the GFMD Civil Society Days. This requires a structured preparation. The working group’s aim is to facilitate the information exchange among members, concerning the international dialogue on GFMD. Therefore, the main goal of the working group was to organize:

  1. a structured dialogue between the mdplatform members and the SDC to exchange on mutual priorities for the GFMD event.

  2. the participation of the mdplatform.ch at the GFMD Civil Society Days.

  3. a side meeting during the GFMD Civil Society Days.

  4. a talk show were the priorities of the international agenda was discussed
    During these exchange and discussion processes the following key issues concerning the M&D nexus were defined:

  5. protection of migrants

  6. labor migration and decent work

  7. empowerment of migrants to contribute to development


We do contribute with our experience and expertise on the role of National Platforms to the Civil Society Days of the GFMD. In 2018 we link our engagement with the Launch of the Global Compact on Migration on 10-11 Dec 2018 in Marrakesh.

We are interested in discussions on how diaspora media should contribute to the international dialogue. Thus, the working group GFMD will work closely with Diaspora Media (Albinfo.ch, African Mirror TV, Afrika Link, Diaspora TV Switzerland, etc).

We produce videos to inform diaspora about the main issues of the ongoing GFMD.

We invite the Swiss Diaspora Media to deal with the outcomes of the GFMD as well as to help to bring the international dialogue closer to the diaspora community.

[Wo## rking Group] Psycho-Social Challenges of Migrants


Migrants face psychosocial stress for various reasons: e.g. conflicts, poverty in host countries, separation from their families etc. Furthermore, cultural stress occurs during the process of integration in host countries. Migration may also affect the structure and dynamics of families that are left behind. Such stress and the exposure to traumatic experiences may duly influence migrant’s capacity to become and evolve as actors for development.

For these reasons it was decided to found the working group “Psycho-Social Challenges of Migrants” that will work on this issues.

At the General Assembly 2017 the Working Group Psychosocial Challenges of Migrants made the following presentation: psycho-social challenges migrants face in countries of origin, in transit and at destination (Presented by the Working Group):

  1. Presentation “aspects psychosociaux”
  2. Presentation “Facteurs de risques dans la santé mentale des migrants”
  3. Video “Traumas, exile et expériences de réussite”
  4. Study of REFORMAF “Etude sur les aspects psychosociaux de la migration”


Vjosa Gervalla (Vjosa.Gervalla@albinfo.ch), Albinfo.ch
Dr Gakuba Théogène-Octave (gakuba@reformaf.org), Réseau de Formation, de Recherche et d’Action sur les Migrations Africaines.

Would you like to participate?

Would you like to participate? Register in the form at the bottom of this page

Compact on Migration 2018

At the General Assembly 2017 mdplatform has decided to contribute to the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.

Mdplatform.ch formulated a policy brief with priorities, recommendations and underling experiences of our member organizations brought together in coordinated working groups. The elaboration and consultation process for these briefs is decribed here. The recommendations do underline the importance our members give to the global compact, but only as a human rights based agreement aiming to strengthen the role and dignity of migrants as actors for development.

On 13.7.2018 the first holistic compact on migration has been negotiated. It is the beginning of a dialogue on Migration, an effort to lift human rights for migrants as the guiding principle in balancing rights, benefits and management requirements in the area of migration:

GCM Objectives for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration
(1) Collect and utilize accurate and disaggregated data as a basis for evidence-based policies

(2) Minimize the adverse drivers and structural factors that compel people to leave their country of origin

(3) Provide accurate and timely information at all stages of migration

(4) Ensure that all migrants have proof of legal identity and adequate documentation

(5) Enhance availability and flexibility of pathways for regular migration

(6) Facilitate fair and ethical recruitment and safeguard conditions that ensure decent work

(7) Address and reduce vulnerabilities in migration

(8) Save lives and establish coordinated international efforts on missing migrants

(9) Strengthen the transnational response to smuggling of migrants

(10) Prevent, combat and eradicate trafficking in persons in the context of international migration

(11) Manage borders in an integrated, secure and coordinated manner

(12) Strengthen certainty and predictability in migration procedures for appropriate screening, assessment and referral

(13) Use migration detention only as a measure of last resort and work towards alternatives

(14) Enhance consular protection, assistance and cooperation throughout the migration cycle

(15) Provide access to basic services for migrants

(16) Empower migrants and societies to realize full inclusion and social cohesion

(17) Eliminate all forms of discrimination and promote evidence-based public discourse to shape perceptions of migration

(18) Invest in skills development and facilitate mutual recognition of skills, qualifications and competences

(19) Create conditions for migrants and diasporas to fully contribute to sustainable development in all countries

(20) Promote faster, safer and cheaper transfer of remittances and foster financial inclusion of migrants

(21) Cooperate in facilitating safe and dignified return and readmission, as well assustainable reintegration

(22) Establish mechanisms for the portability of social security entitlements and earned benefits

(23) Strengthen international cooperation and global partnerships for safe, orderly and regular migration

UPDATES on consultations of Mdplatform.ch with the Swiss Government on the Global Compact (read more) >

12.02.2018 – Zero draft discussion Mdplatform.ch & Swiss Administration

On the 12th of February 2018, mdplatform.ch members met with representatives of the Swiss Administration involved in the negotiations to discuss the zero draft of the Global Compact on Migration. This allowed for a very open, dynamic and substantive discussion. Key points of these exchanges are summarized and available here.

29.05.2017 – Policy Brief mdplatform.ch in consultation with Swiss Administration

The policy brief of mdplatform.ch was presented on the occasion of a consultation meeting between mdplatform.ch and the representatives of the Swiss Government on the 29th of May 2017. On this occasion, representatives of the Swiss government informed on the process of negotiations the Global Compact on Migration and on the first elements of the Swiss Position (minutes here).

Policy Brief Global Compact [EN, DE, FR]
mdplatform.ch Doc: UN Process a) Summit 19. Sept 2016 (High Level Meeting on Addressing Large Movements of Refugees and Migrants (UNGA) and b) Global Compact 2018 [Download PDF, 85kb]
Modalities for the intergovernmental negotiations of the global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration [Download PDF, 618 kb] [original location in UN website]
worth knowing: the first draft of this document includes a mapping of 2017-2018 international conferences related to migration relevant to the Global Compact on safe, orderly and regular Migration [Download PDF, 2.36mb]
key elements of the future compact are in the “Sutherland’s Report” – Report of the Special Representative of the Secretary General on Migration – A/71/728 – 3rd February 2017 [Download PDF, 257kb]
Executive Summary of above “Sutherland Report” on ways of strengthening international cooperation and the engagement of the UN on migration [Download PDF, 606kb]
IOM Vision on the global compact – Key recommendations (Download PDF)

IOM Webpage on GCM (


It is our pleasure to announce that the IOM webpage on the Global compact on safe, orderly and regular migration (GCM) is now online. The webpage provides information on the GCM process as well as on IOM’s vision and IOM’s contributions, including:

IOM’s vision and role
IOM Thematic Papers
Thematic Consultations
Regional Consultations
Stakeholder Consultations
Migration Research Leaders Syndicate
Furthermore, as announced by the Director General at the 21st IOM-UN Working group on 28 April 2017, you will also find the following IOM Thematic Papers on the webpage:

IOM Thematic Paper: Supporting safe, orderly and dignified migration through Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration
IOM Thematic Paper: Family reunification
IOM Thematic Paper: Readmission
IOM Thematic Paper: Enhancing migrant well-being upon return through an integrated approach to reintegration
IOM Thematic Paper: Combating Trafficking in Persons and other forms of Slavery
IOM Thematic Paper: The Health of Migrants
IOM Thematic Paper: Border Management
IOM Thematic Paper: Immigration detention and alternatives to detention

Documents / uploads >
Mdplatform.ch Contributions

Agenda 2030 Migration targets [download]
Policy Brief Global Compact [EN, DE, FR]
12.02.2018 – Key Points Discussions Mdplatform.ch & SDC [download]
29.05.2017 – Minutes of the Consultative meeting official position Global Meeting on Migration [download]
19.09.2016 – UN Summit (High Level Meeting on Addressing Large Movements of Refugees and Migrants (UNGA) and Global Compact 2018 [download]
Global Compact Documents

UN Press Release (e) and GCM Final Version (e)
Swiss Media Responses (selected links): NZZ (d), Handelsblatt (d), rfj (f), rts(f)
3d draft (3.7.2018) and 2nd Draft (28.5.2018) and Zero draft (5.2.2018) of Global Compact on Migration
3d draft (4.6.2018) and Zero draft (31.1.2018) of Global Compact on Refugees, For more info see special page
Modalities for the intergovernmental negotiations of the global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration [download]
Mapping of 2017-2018 international conferences related to migration relevant to the Global Compact on safe, orderly and regular Migration [download]
Key elements of the future compact are in the “Sutherland’s Report” – Report of the Special Representative of the Secretary General on Migration – A/71/728 – 3rd February 2017 [download]
Executive Summary of above “Sutherland Report” on ways of strengthening international cooperation and the engagement of the UN on migration [download]
Other documents

12.06.2018 Open letter on global compact to all UN Missions in New York [download]
IOM Vision on the global compact – Key recommendations [download]
IOM Thematic Paper: Supporting safe, orderly and dignified migration through Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration [download]
IOM Thematic Paper: Family reunification [download]
IOM Thematic Paper: Readmission [download]
IOM Thematic Paper: Enhancing migrant well-being upon return through an integrated approach to reintegration [download]
IOM Thematic Paper: Combating Trafficking in Persons and other forms of Slavery [download]
IOM Thematic Paper: The Health of Migrants [download]
IOM Thematic Paper: Border Management [download]
IOM Thematic Paper: Immigration detention and alternatives to detention [download]

GFMD 2017

Mdplatform.ch Participation in the GFMD 2017 Civil Society Days:

mdplatform.ch delegation was comprised of 4 delegates: Awa N’Diaye (espace afrique international), Hamdija Kocic, Peter Aeberhard (mdplatform.ch secretariat) and Pascal Fendrich (mdplatform.ch secretariat)

mdplatform.ch contribution focused one particular issue: the role of national civil society platforms in the Global Compact Process. This was in continuation to the side event organized in Dhaka in 2016 which focused on the role of national civil society platforms in migration policy, which attracted significant attention.

More specifically, key moments of mdplatform.ch participation in the GFMD CSDs were the following:

Organization of pre-CSD discussion table (28.06.2017) (jointly organized with the University of Maastricht) on the role for civil society networks, platforms and actors in developing a “national compact” on migration fostering multistakeholders’ policy dialogue. The idea was to introduce and discuss a national dialogue framework on the implementation of the Global Compact / M&D goals within the SDGs – labelled and promoted as a “national compact” by some members.
Organization of a side event (30.06.2017) on strategies of national civil society platforms on influencing the GCM and national policies. The idea was to be able to learn and exchange on the different strategies promoted by other national platforms for collaboration on the GCM at international and national level. We will also already take the time to discuss possible modalities for implementation at national level. The concept of the side event is here. The video of the event is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjmarcUA0Ak&feature=youtu.be
Mdplatform l also participated in the common space with governments on the 01.07.2016.
Finally, in the last day of the GFMD CSD, mdplatform.ch was invited to the concluding panel discussion entitled: Capital Strategies: Next steps we will take to advocate directly with our governments in our own countries and capitals to achieve our recommendations on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. This was a great opportunity to present mdplatform and our ideas on the possible role of national platforms in migration policy. The video of the event is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTVLN19gep0&feature=youtu.be

GFMD 2016

Participation in the GFMD Civil Society Days 2016
Mdplatform.ch was present at this year’s Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD 2016) in Dhaka, Bangladesh, mid-December 2016. We have participated in various events and have also conducted a side event on experiences of the creation and performance of national platforms and their influence on policy making.

Along with us came the Diaspora TV station “African Mirror TV”. This allowed us to capture pictures, video clips of the full opening and closing speeches, as well as a series of clips with key messages from participants and involved actors, as well as of our side event. We will upload these clips in the coming days.

After the conference, the focus is now is on the once in a lifetime event, the planned UN lead process to accomplish a Compact on Migration. This initiative came from Bangladesh and was adopted on 19 September by UNO GA, including two planned agreements, a Compact for Refugees and a Compact for Migrants (mixed migration flows). Since the Compact for Refugees is undisputed, a main focus is now on the compact for the protection of migrants, their rights and status.

Switzerland plays a leading role in the GFMD process (Global Program for Migration and Development) by supporting civil society at a variety of levels, thus ensuring its participation in the Civil Society Days of the GFMD. It also supports mdplatform.ch to stimulate dialogue among civil society actors in Switzerland.

Migration and development issues are important at international scale; hundreds of millions are on the move. The rise of xenophobia was an important topic at the conference as well as issues related to the SDG 2030. A firm commitment was made towards the protection of migrants on the move, as they are often deprived of basic human rights. Evidence has long been provided by many CSO’s at all levels: Governments lack responsibility for protection – even worse – they apply rules significantly disfavouring irregular migrants. Internationally agreed solutions and regulations are required. There is an urgent need for civil society organisations to step up, get engaged and try to influence regulations in favour of migrants. How can the protection of migrant workers and displaced persons be ensured? Who has to take which responsibility?

A number of events and international conferences will accompany the “Compacts” process. The first is the upcoming GFMD 2017, which will take place in Berlin in June 2017. In 2018 the GFMD will be held in Morocco, as well as an international conference on migration by the UN.

As a follow up on GFMD 2016, mdplatform.ch plans to stimulate and support the dialogue on these compacts in Switzerland: We consider to organise a conference in Lucerne in September or October 2017, which will bring together Swiss actors from diaspora, migration, humanitarian aid and development to discuss international questions on the protection of migrants and their rights. Migrants rights are fundamental, when trying to promote migrants to be(come) actors of development.

The outcome of the GFMD 2016, (summary by the MADE Network / ICMC can be accessed here »

Mdplatform.ch activities:
Meeting with SDC on GFMD 2016 – 12th of November 2016, Bern – The event allowed members of the Swiss Civil Society Platform on Migration and Development (mdplatform) to exchange with SDC (GPMD) on mutual positions and expectations for the GFMD 2016 (Global Forum on Migration and Development).
Participation in the People’s Global Action – 6-7th December 2016 – Dhaka Bangladesh. (PGA’s website: http://dhaka.peoplesglobalaction.org/ )
Participation in the GFMD 2016 Civil Society Days – 6-10th December 2016 – Dhaka – Bangladesh (http://gfmdcivilsociety.org/gfmd-2016/). The platform was represented in the GFMD 2016 Civil Society Days in the form of a side event on the role and potential of national civil society coordination platforms on M&D.
Useful documents:
(Progress report) – “Movement” – A Global Civil Society Report on Progress and Impact for Migrants’ Rights and Development. What progress has been made on achieving the goals of the 5-year 8-point Plan of Action since 2013?

View the Executive Summary in English, French or Spanish
View a snapshot of the main results from the Global Survey (available in English only)
The full report is available in English, French and Spanish

(2016) 7 actions world leaders urgently need to take to make a new deal for refugees, migrants and societies a reality – Civil society response and scorecard for the UN High-level Summit “New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants [Download]
(2013): The 5-Year Action Plan for Collaboration [English] [French]
GFMD 2016:
GFMD 2016: Final Concept paper and provisional Programme of Civil Society Days 2016: “Time for Action: Doing rights-based governance of migration and development in our communities and across borders” [English]
Draft Concept Paper Ninth Global Forum on Migration and Development – Bangladesh 2016 “Migration that works for Sustainable Development for All: Towards a Transformative Migration Agenda” (http://gfmdcivilsociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/GFMD-2016-Concept-Paper-Final-version.pdf)
GFMD general information:
Leaflet: Civil Society Action in the GFMD and forward [Download]
Brochure: Action de la société civil dans FMMD and au-delà. [Download]

GFMD 2015

The Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) is a government-led process allowing United Nations Members states to exchange on M&D. Its first session was held in 2007. It remains an informal, non-binding and voluntary forum.

Read the closing remarks of the new Chair for 2016 (Bangladesh)

Civil society has been involved from the beginning in this process, with its participation becoming increasingly formalised. At current, the Civil Society Days of the GFMD are organized immediately prior to the GFMD meeting of governments. A common space, gathering both governments and civil society representatives, allows for sharing the civil society recommendations and for an open dialogue.

  1. Blog entry report on People’s Global Action Day 2015 Some reflections drawn from 2015 People’s Global Action (PGA) Day »

  2. ThH Report on the Civil Society Days of the 8th Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD 2015)

  3. Recommendations, Benchmars and Actions elaborated in the GFMD Civil Society Days 2015. (New Upload)

  4. Consolidated Civil Society Steering Committee Feedback for GFMD 2016 (new upload)


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